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Email - spsdgp2013@gmail.com
Website URL - stpetersdgp.com
Ph.no. - 8420910259, 9002741201
Simon Bar -Yonah, later named by Jesus as Peter was one of the 12 apostles of Jesus and is regarded as the most important and spokesman of the Apostles, St. Peter became to be known as the rock of the church when Jesus declared to Peter, ‘Thou art Peter (Kipha, a rock ), and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hell Shall not prevail against it. And I will give three the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.And Whatsoever thou shalt bind upon the earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt lose on the earth,it shalt be loosed in heaven.”(Matthew 16:18).
His symbols are crossed keys, silver and gold keys which signify Saint Peter’s divinely-given power of binding and loosening.Saint Peter is the patron of saint of the fishermen.His Feast Day is celebrated on June 29th with great panache in many fishing communities, and often marked by the annual blessing if the fishing fleet and local speciality seafood dishes, many of which are named after St. Peter. St. Peter’s School has been built on a rock solid foundation for learning, which symbolizes strength, stability and reliability not allowing one to be persuaded, enticed or be deviated from principles or standards and this is what we want to impart to our students.
SCHOOL MOTO - "NISI DOMINUS FUSTRA " Except the Lord builsd the House they labour in vain who build it " [psalm 127:11]
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