Facebook account - Stpeters School
Email - spsdgp2013@gmail.com
Website URL - stpetersdgp.com
Ph.no. - 8420910259, 9002741201
Morning Assembly
Morning Assembly is the time when the entire school community assembles at an appropriate place to affirm school’s identity and aspirations. It is the best forum to inspire and motivate students. It serves as a platform to develop self confidence, acquiring knowledge and information, creativity and a aesthetic sense among students. As the students walk into the school campus the first activity that kick starts the day are the Special Morning Assembly. On a specific day the assembly is addressed by the Principal and the Chaplin of our school. The teachers and the respective class also conducts the morning assembly as per the days as decided by our Principal. We begin our day by thanking God followed by the Hymn and Bible reading. Every class gets a chance to organise the morning assembly on a specific day of a week. Each week had a different value as the topic, and every item of the assembly would be based on that particular topic. It’s a great way to start the day off on a positive note and get excited about all the things you’ll learn and do during the day ahead.
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  West, Mirabai Avenue, A-Zone, Durgapur, West Bengal 713204
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